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Frequently Asked Questions

Life coaching is a powerful tool that facilitates a shift in your mindset, allowing you to see things differently and more clearly than your current perspective.  It empowers you to identify and evaluate the choices and options available to you, ultimately enabling you to make the desired changes in your life.

To address any questions you may have about coaching, here are some frequently asked questions that could provide the answers you seek:

Life coaching is a talking therapy intended to increase an individual's potential. Through discussion, clients are supported in understanding themselves, finding strategies and inspiration, and designing and moving towards new and better situations.


This is achieved by empowering clients with specific tools and tested strategies such as journalling, visualisation etc. Coaching is a solution-focused approach to personal development that can assist in making lasting changes in all areas of life.

Life coaching differs from counselling in that it is primarily focused on the present and the future. It may be necessary to look back to find the root causes of the destructive behavioural and thinking patterns to unpick the problems, then we come back to the "where are we presently?" and "where do we want to be?".

Personal/Life Coaching -

It is a mutual solution-focused, results-orientated approach, in which the coach facilitates the client in enhancing performance at work, life experience, reflective learning and personal growth.

Executive Coaching -
It is specifically focused at the senior management level, where the coach will explore business-related topics and personal development topics with the client to improve their personal performance.

Corporate/Business Coaching -
It is focused on supporting employees, either as an individual, as part of a team and/or organisation, to achieve improved business performance and operational effectiveness.

Speciality/Niche Coaching -
The coach is an expert in addressing one particular aspect of a person's life, e.g. Mindset, self-belief, career etc.  Atlernatively, the coach can be focused on enhancing a particular section of the community, e.g. entrepreneurs, women, youths.

Group Coaching -
This is where the coach works with several individuals to achieve a common goal within the group or create an environment where individuals can co-coach each other.

It's for anyone who wants to improve all or some aspects of their lives.


You might want:


•to build your confidence


•to heal wounds from the past


•to get rid of a destructive habit


•a new job or career, or promotion in the one you have


•to find your perfect partner or all the above


Whatever your challenge, coaching can help, with just a couple of notable exceptions.


If you have a mental health illness, alcohol or drug problem, then coaching is probably not the best option for you - you're more likely to get the help you need from a therapist specifically qualified in these areas.



There are many benefits attributed to all the various types of coaching. Thanks to research undertaken by the we have statistics to back up the benefits.


Here are 14 benefits of participating in coaching:


1. Unlock potential

Many of us have potential that we are not aware of. With the help of life coaches, you can unlock this potential. A life coach can help you reveal alternative ways of thinking and clarify your direction in life.

2. Overcome your fears

By minimizing negative chatter and embracing your strengths, you can start to overcome fears that have been limiting your ability to achieve your dreams.

3. Heightened self-awareness

Being fully aware of your impact on others and understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and unique personality traits is an extremely challenging adventure but rewarding in every area of your life. Self-awareness requires introspection and reflection, which a life coach can help you work towards.

4. Improved self-confidence

According to the ICF study, 36% of women and 33% of men would hire a life coach to help improve their self-confidence, with 40% citing an increase in their self-confidence.

5. Eliminate negative thoughts

Life coaches are armed with various tools and techniques that help you eliminate the negative thoughts that hold you back.

6. Reduce stress

Stress is common in our society today. Money worries, career-related issues, or personal relationship problems can result in mental instability and stress-related health concerns. Life coaches can help with relaxation techniques to help reduce stress.

7. Decreased depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety are society-wide health problems with many complex elements, none of which are easy to fix. However, having an ally in your corner who understands your triggers can improve the way you deal with the symptoms of these mental health issues.

8. Improve physical well-being

Life coaches can offer more than just emotional and psychological support. They can also help you create and execute a plan to improve your physical well-being: a healthy body and mind.

9. Improve communication

42% of people who hire a life coach improve their communication skills, according to the ICF study.

10. Create a balanced life

One of the benefits of a life coach is identifying what balance looks like for you and defining action steps to achieve more balance in your life.

11. A different perspective

A life coach can provide a new and often helpful perspective on life.

12. Find your creativity

Working with a life coach to brainstorm ideas can help you become more creative, bringing to life ideas that are hidden in the depths of your subconscious.

13. Produce higher income

The skills you develop while working with a life coach will focus your resources while pursuing career goals or growing your business to new heights. This is one of the key benefits of coaching in a business environment.

14. Manage time and productivity

Everyone has the same amount of time in the day, but some people use those 24 hours more efficiently than others. Working with a life coach can help you better manage your time, set priorities, and get more done.

  • Sessions are held either in person, over the telephone or online (Skype or Zoom).  Sessions running between 30 minutes to an hour.


  • Sessions are often held weekly; however, they can run less frequently, at clients' request.


  • Clients may have just one session or work with their life coach for many months.  Every case is unique, but as a general guideline, change typically begins to take place between session 6 and session 8. However, it's important to note that each client is different, and the amount of time invested can vary. Therefore, it is possible to see change as early as session 4.


  • The content of each session depends on the client, the specific challenges being addressed, and the stage of the coaching process.


  • Sessions are designed to be relaxed, friendly, and positive experiences.


  • Confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of coaching sessions.


  • It's important to note that life coaches do not tell clients what to do.


Professional life coaches possess a wide range of techniques at their disposal. By employing active listening and asking thought-provoking questions, coaches empower clients to gain understanding and discover the answers they seek.


Many coaches incorporate Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a branch of psychology, into their practice. NLP offers a variety of tools that facilitate behavioural change and address the underlying thought patterns driving the behavioural patterns or traits, allowing individuals to address and overcome them. For instance, re-framing allows individuals to perceive a situation differently to achieve the change they require.  NLP emphasizes the importance of awareness, as you cannot heal what you are not aware of.


To gain a firsthand understanding of what occurs in a coaching session and how it can personally benefit you, the quickest and easiest way is to schedule a complimentary 30-minute Clarity Call.

Counselling and coaching have distinct focuses - counselling looks back, while coaching looks forward.

If only life were that simple!


Many individuals turn to counselling when their present life becomes unbearable and they feel hopeless about the future. They seek to resolve past issues such as healing emotional trauma and pain to gain a new perspective on their current life and prospects.


Similarly, those who seek coaching in a specific area of their lives,  such as help identifying goals, leveraging personal strengths and taking action. often benefit greatly from understanding how they arrived at their current difficulties and the negative baggage they may have accumulated along the way. As a result, an overlap between counselling and coaching is formed.


A skilled counsellor and coach will assist individuals in acknowledging their past, gaining a fresh perspective on it, and then establishing life goals that will enable them to lead a more positive and fulfilling life. The starting point for this journey is always determined by how far the client has already progressed.

• A mentor offers their own experience as guidance, along with emotional support, to help their client stay motivated and on track. The mentor may or may not use a coaching style.


• On the other hand, a coach provides the structure and accountability for clients to build their own awareness and understanding, enabling them to make informed decisions and take action.


• There are times in a coaching relationship when a mentoring style can be useful, and with the client's permission, the coach may incorporate the mentoring approach into coaching.


Here are a few examples of changes you can make:


Home Life


  • Get more of what you want


  • Manage your affairs more effectively


  • Make time – for self-care, for others, for excitement, achievement and adventure.


  • Deal with stress by tackling its root causes


  • Change the way you relate to family and friends


Working Life


  • Improve your results and income


  • Deal better with difficult situations


  • Get on better with people


  • Become organised and effective


  • Change your career for a more rewarding one

You only take the actions you are happy to take, actions you've chosen and decided for yourself. If you've chosen small actions at first, that's fine.


Lao Tzu said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" – Your confidence grows with the actions you take, and as you continue to take action, you are learning what works for you.


To help you on your journey, you will work through my 3 Step Unlock Your Potential System:



Henry Ford famously said: "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right"


Lack of self-awareness and self-belief keeps us paralysed, as can persistent negative thinking and chatter that goes on in our minds – but the good news is that many simple activities can help build an empowering positive mindset.



Setting your intentions and following through with the actions are crucial steps in creating the life you want. Here we will help you identify your priorities and create an action plan and milestones to achieve your goals easily.



No matter what you are working on in your life, self-development, career etc., we need strategies and tools to help us achieve what we want, especially when old habits raise their ugly head. This is exactly what I'm here to help you with, create the momentum to achieve whatever change you have set out to achieve.

We don't, but we know how to help you do your best thinking, make better decisions and create change. As coaches, we have various tools and techniques that help with positive thinking, confidence, self-belief, effective communication and accountability.


It's straightforward to get started on a process that could transform many aspects of your life.


Click here Clarity Call to book a 30-minute call with me – there's absolutely no pressure, just a conversation to help you decide whether what I offer feels right for you and time to invest in yourself.